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Working with Plugins


@noodl/core supports custom modules as plugins.

To create a custom module, extend the abstract Builder class.

Modules must implement the Builder interface:

class Builder {
data: any
iterator: AIterator
root: ARoot
visitor: AVisitor

createHelpers(helpers?: any): any
createData(data?: any): any
createProps<P = any>(props: P & { value: any }): P & { value: any }

use(value: AIterator | ARoot | AVisitor): this

TODO - Complete documentation

To see an example of a plugin implementation see the Diagnostics module:

class Diagnostics extends Builder implements IDiagnostics {}

interface IDiagnostics {
run<Async extends boolean = false>(
options?: RunDiagnosticsOptions<Async>,
): Async extends true ? Promise<Diagnostic[]> : Diagnostic[]

interface RunDiagnosticsOptions<Async extends boolean = false> {
async?: Async
init?: (args: { data: Record<string, any> }) => any
beforeEnter?: (enterValue: any) => any
enter?: AVisitor<
Async extends true ? Promise<Diagnostic[]> : Diagnostic[],

interface DiagnosticsHelpers {
add(opts: Partial<DiagnosticObject>): void

interface DiagnosticRule {}

type DiagnosticObject<O extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>> = {
page: string
key: null | string | number
value: any
path?: any[]
root: ARoot
messages: {
type: ValidatorType
message: string[]
} & O